Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Hair Loss Treatment in Punjab

Structure of hair is simple, but has important functions in social functioning. Hair is made of a tough protein called keratin which in turn is made up of amino acids and cysteine disulfide. New hair cells produced by follicles, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of the skin at the rate of about six inches a year.
 Each follicle has its own life cycle that can be influenced by age, disease and a wide variety of other factors. This life cycle is divided into three phases:
  • Anagen -- Anagen is the active or “growing” phase of the cycle when the cells in the root of the hair divide at a rapid rate.
  • Catagen -- The hair cycle is a three-phase process, one that takes place over a number of years.
  • Telogen -- The telogen phase is the third phase of the hair’s cycle, occurring after both the anagen phase and catagen phase.

Causes of Hair Loss
Many people experience some hair loss due to age, hormone changes, and genetics. However, a loss of hair can be caused by other factors, including:
  • Certain pharmaceuticals, including a few antidepressants, blood thinners (anticoagulants), and chemotherapy medications for tumor .
  • Parasitic disease, for example, ringworm of the scalp .
  • Huge weight on the body from a surgery or genuine ailment .
  • Vitamin insufficiencies and thyroid issues .
  • Hormone uneven characters or interruptions including pregnancy and labor (brief) or menopause.
When to See a Medical Professional
At the point when to See a Medical Professional
  • You should converse with a specialist about male pattern baldness when:
  • Your male pattern baldness is happening in a surprising example.
  • It is joined by tingling; this may show a disease that can, and should, be dealt with.
  • You trust loss of hair isn't identified with hereditary inclination or another clarification, (for example, impermanent hormonal changes) in light of the fact that, now and again, balding can be an early manifestation of a sickness, for example, diabetes or lupus.
  • You may likewise need to look for proficient guidance on the off chance that you require help dealing with the mental pressure that regularly goes with the loss of hair.
Types of Hair Loss
There are various types of loss of hair caused by various conditions
  • Male pattern baldness is also known as common baldness or permanent pattern baldness, this is generally regarded as being due to genetics.
  • Telogen emanation is frequently found in ladies, which includes the loss of hair in few months.
  • Patchy hair loss occurs in conditions produce small areas of hair loss, while others affect large areas of the scalp.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in Punjab – At Affordable Cost

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration can repair your hair to any desired density and style and is the best deal for men and women who are in the advanced stages of hair loss or thinning. The most popular hair replacement method used throughout the world is the non-surgical method as it is completely untraceable. Also, when seen in the long term, hair restoration surgery is very affordable.

The technique is nonsurgical or minimally invasive where the hair from one part of the scalp is extracted and transplanted to the bald area. The hair grows slowly, giving it the appearance of Natural Hair Growth. The extracted hair is planted keeping in mind the natural direction of the hair follicle so that once the hair grows, then tangling and friction can be prevented. Since it is the hair from the same scalp, the density, the texture, the color, and hairstyle should re-grow original hair to give it a natural look.

No matter how far your loss has progressed this is a simple and effective solution i.e. hair transplant procedure. Hair Transplant surgeons use multiple techniques for Hair restoration surgery in which FUE is the most popular one.

FUE techniques or follicular unit extraction is one of the most modern and advanced methods of hair transplantation, which can assure you 100% guaranteed results which are completely natural. FUE is far more advanced technique, which is why there are few clinics around the world, offering the same. Delhi Hair clinic uses these techniques and has the state of art infrastructure to support it. In FUT a strip of the scalp is removed from the donor site and grafts are harvested from the same.
FUE, there are no incisions, which means that there are also no sutures of scars. The grafts are extracted via suction like method. An individual graft is removed and is placed, into the recipient site.

Delhi Hair Clinic Hair transplant center in Bathinda is well known for its Hair restoration surgery. The surgery cost is affordable. You get a world-renowned and experienced hair transplant surgeon without burning a hole in your pocket who will give you results which are world class yet affordable. 

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Hair Transplant in Punjab: The Ever-growing Demand

Hair Transplant in Punjab: The Ever-growing Demand

Baldness has become a common problem these days and there are multiple causes that can be attributed to it. Once occurred it becomes a permanent problem and can be sorted only with a permanent solution. Hair transplant surgery in Punjab is the only permanent Hair Loss Solution. There are over 70% men across the world that faces Hair loss. It can be hereditary or related to genetics. Hair loss is also a result of various medications and tissue disorders. The life of every individual is very stressful these days, and it is practically impossible for people to focus on their lifestyle, food habits etc. Lack of Multivitamins and minerals also lead to hair loss. The pattern of Hair loss in men is known as male pattern baldness. Punjab is one of the best-known destinations for Hair transplant surgery. Before opting for hair Transplant one must fully know the procedure.

Process of Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant surgery is a simple minimally invasive procedure involving the following steps:
·         Proper selection of the donor hairs for the transplantation
·         Injection anaesthesia into the donor area
·         Extraction of the hair follicles
·         Preparation of hair follicles for the transplantation
·         Drawing hairline at transplant region
·         Making incisions in the transplant region
·         Transplanting the hair follicles into the incisions
Once the Hair Transplant surgery is complete, the patient can go home the same day. Strict guidelines and some medications have to be followed to prevent any kind of infection. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited post hair transplant surgery. The initial hairs that are transplanted fall off within 2 weeks but the roots remain intact. New hairs from these roots grow within 8 to 9 months.

Why should you opt for Hair Transplantation in Punjab?
·         It is the best solution for hair loss.
·         It requires the transplantation of your own hair which makes the body accept the transplanted hair.
·         The transplanted hair is natural and manageable.
·         This is a chemical-free process as chemicals may damage the hair follicles.
·         Boosts the confidence and self-esteem.
·         The procedure is safe.
·         No pain during or after the treatment.
·         More effective than other artificial systems.
·         Cost effective than other treatments as it is a onetime cost.
Once the hair grows back, it can be treated as the natural hair and can be styled and coloured as per wish.
Delhi Hair Clinic in Punjab is giving special packages for patients with Hair transplant surgery in India. Patients receive complete consultation, guidance when they plan to come down for their Hair transplant surgery. Contact Us now for a free Hair consultation.