Monday, 23 October 2017

Best results of PRP therapy of Delhi Hair Clinic, Jalandhar

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a revolutionary way to stimulate natural hair growth. This non-surgical way of hair restoration treatment is to stimulate the active growth of inactive or newly implanted hair follicles as PRP has many growth factors that contribute to the effective hair growth.

At Delhi Hair Clinic Jalandhar, we provide ground-breaking PRP therapy. Known for the most effective treatment for thinning hair problem, the PRP procedures have been most popularly accepted by people who wish to get rid of baldness or hair thinning problems.  utilizes modern technology for the treatment and the results are 100% effective.

PRP therapy works best on those having diffuse thinning and miniaturized hair and is suitable for both men and women. PRP works successfully on female hair loss as they tend to lose hair in large scale. Thus, PRP therapy is considered as most effective and introducing best results in hair transplant theory.

This therapy is best provided at Delhi Hair Clinic, Jalandhar by experienced surgeons. Here, the process undertakes in a carefully controlled place and are completely safe. Our surgeons only use approved kits for treatment. Our success story describes why we are one of the leading provider of PRP therapy in Jalandhar.

Platelet Rich Plasma used for the treatment is a substance made from your own blood. PRP therapy is a non-surgical treatment for hair regeneration. The treatment requires 2-3 sessions with an interval of about 6-7 weeks depending on the treatment procedure and individual needs. After successful transplantation, the density of hair will increase by 50% to 60%.

So, if you are stressed with the hair fall problem, there is a solution to get the problem solved with us. Our expert surgeons use the sterile and advantageous technique at every stage of PRP so that you get the best solution with no harmful effects.

Monday, 16 October 2017


Throughout your lifetime, your hair is in a continuous growth cycle, and all hairs shed sooner or later. At any given time, approximately 85 to 90 percent of your hair is in the anagen phase, constantly growing for anywhere from two to eight years. The other 10 to 15 percent of your hair is in its resting which lasts two to three months. Hair is shed at the end of the resting phase, and new hair takes its place to begin the growing phase once again.

The human scalp sheds about 50 to 100 hairs each day, so normal hair loss should not cause alarm. If your hair appears to be thinning appreciably, however, you may want to consult a hair restoration specialist to discuss hair loss prevention and other treatment options.

Not to worry, a visit to Delhi Hair Clinic can make difficult hair restoration possible with effective results.

Hair loss is a naturally occurring phenomenon. As some hair falls out, new hair will grow to replace it. However, hair loss may be accelerated by a number of conditions, such as menopause, alopecia areata, and physiological changes after chemotherapy, pregnancy, or surgery. Hair loss can affect men or women, as well as children.

Although there are treatments for hair loss, including the use of hair loss medications, laser hair restoration, and hair transplants, hair loss can seriously affect a person's confidence. Below you will find information on a variety of possible hair loss causes. Knowing the cause of your hair loss can help specialists formulate a hair restoration plan that will work for you.

Hair Loss Prevention at Delhi Hair Clinic;

Hair loss is a circumstance that literally affects millions of men and women in the United States, as well as across the globe. While female hair loss may not be as apparent as male pattern baldness, there are a number of different hair loss causes and corresponding hair restoration remedies available to women. In some cases, the conditions that cause female hair loss can be treated with a doctor-prescribed medication, preventing further hair loss. For males, hair loss treatment options include hair restoration products and medical hair restoration.

Medical hair restoration is the name given to a group of surgical hair loss treatments designed to reduce baldness in men. There are several hair replacement procedures used to accomplish this, including hair transplant grafting, flap surgery, scalp reduction, and scalp expansion.

You are just a visit away from Delhi Hair Clinic to change your mentality about hair loss treatments.

Sunday, 15 October 2017


With the beard craze going viral, the rate of this procedure has increased six-fold in the last five years. It helps to restore hair thickness where facial hair growth is missing or thin. It is usually done to enhance hair growth in the goatee and mustache areas. Whether just for style or to hide scars and sideburns, facial hair transplantation is your one-stop solution for all your facial hair regrowth needs. It is a simple surgical procedure that transplants hair harvested from the scalp onto the facial areas lacking density and fullness of hair. Even though the texture and characteristic of hair are similar to the scalp hair, the pattern of growth resembles facial hair and it can be trimmed, groomed or shaved to allow it to grow to any length. We at Delhi Hair Clinic, Ludhiana use PRP therapy and FUE techniques for facial transplantation.

Beard/Moustache Transplant Procedure at Delhi Hair Clinic, Ludhiana:

Generally, FUE techniques are used and the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Careful placement of each follicle is crucial to give natural-looking results and hair growth resembling original facial hair growth. Within 4 weeks the hair falls out and regrow within 3-4 months in full thickness.

Risks & Results at Delhi Hair Clinic, Ludhiana:-

There are tiny crust formations around each follicle of transplanted hair. The transplanted hair will fall out within 3-4 weeks. But keep your trust in science! The hair, regrow in about 4 months. Few risks are associated with the procedure and you need to know them before taking the plunge. In FUT procedure, linear donor scarring may occur. In FUE technique that uses NeoGraft, there may be tiny hypopigmented areas, up to 1 mm diameter, in donor sites that become visible if the hair is shaved.


The causes of hair loss in women can vary compared to that in men, and this is one of the primary reasons that it is important to first determine if hair transplant surgery is appropriate as a hair loss treatment for women in each particular case. Before female hair transplant surgery is undertaken, the cause, nature, and evolution of a patient’s hair loss should be fully grasped by both surgeon and patient in order to create the most successful and safe outcome.

Female hair loss may be due to hormonal conditions such as pregnancy or menopause, female pattern hair loss, or skin and scalp conditions including alopecia areata, anagen hair loss, cicatricial alopecia’s, disorders of hair growth, inflammatory scalp, telogen hair loss, tinea capitis, traction alopecia and trichotillomania.

Depending on the cause and stage of progression of hair loss, some conditions can only be treated with medicine or the passage of time, while others allow for surgical treatment. Our surgeons at Delhi Hair Clinic, Haryana, is fully trained to make the proper judgment call, ensuring safe and successful treatment for hair loss in women.

Recovery Following Female Hair Transplant Surgery

Recovering from female hair restoration surgery is dependent in part on how donor's hair is harvested, whether by strip harvesting or follicular unit extraction. If linear harvesting is used, you may experience a bit more discomfort following surgery, but it generally takes less than 24 hours to recover from hair transplant surgery. By the day after your surgery, you should be able to resume most daily activities, although it is recommended that you hold off on strenuous activities for a week to prevent any accidental injury and reduce the risk of bleeding. You can return to work on the day following surgery, although many people choose to take a few days off following the procedure. Otherwise, you can expect to have some tiny scabbing in the transplanted area for up to a week, will have no bandages, and can wash your hair on the day following surgery. You can wear a hat or cap immediately after surgery if you wish to conceal any scabs.

Hair Transplant Results In Women

Results of female hair transplants will vary from patient to patient, based on a variety of factors including the type of hair loss experienced, the patient’s hair quality, the diffuseness of female balding, and a patient’s hairstyle. The key to a successful female hair transplant is determining the exact cause and pattern of a woman’s hair loss and artistically restoring natural hair density, hairlines, angles and patterns to re-create desired hairstyles that look natural from every angle and range, and that will age well over time

Contact Us For A Female Hair Transplant Consultation, Delhi Hair Clinic, Haryana:

If you are a woman experiencing hair loss, determining if hair transplant surgery is right for you can be a tricky process. Delhi Hair Clinic, Haryana can help. He offers initial consultations, during which he performs a full evaluation of your female hair loss and will discuss options, benefits, and limitations of hair transplant surgery with you. If you are a candidate for surgery, you will receive detailed information regarding female hair transplant costs, as well as the recovery process. Our goal is to help you make the most informed decision possible about whether hair restoration surgery is the best option for combating your hair loss and helping you achieved desired outcomes.

Monday, 9 October 2017


With Follicular Unit Extraction individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hair are removed under local anesthesia. The surgeon then uses very small micro blades or fine needles to puncture the sites for receiving the grafts, angling the wounds in such a way to promote a realistic hair pattern. The surgeons of Delhi Hair Clinic, Haryana generally do the final part of the procedure, inserting the individual grafts in place.

1. Preparation for the hair transplant:
In the initial step of the Hair Transplant Surgery, hair follicles from the back of the head are removed and relocated to the balding areas.

2. Donor area trimmed:
Before the surgery is started, the hair in the donor area is trimmed and is given local anesthesia.

3. Combed hair over sutured donor area:
The sutures in the donor area are hidden from the patient's hair that is combed over them. These sutures are removed almost ten days after the hair transplant surgery.

4. Donor tissue trimmed into follicular unit grafts:
Microscopes are then used by the surgical technicians to view the donor tissue for dissecting and preparing follicular units hair grafts.

5. Incisions made in the balding areas:
Follicular Unit Grafts are placed in the tiny incisions that are made in an irregular pattern in the recipient area.

6.Grafts placed according to their densities:
The smallest grafts (one and two) are placed in front of the hairline and three and four (denser than one and two) are placed behind.

7. Immediately after the Hair Transplant Surgery:
After the hair transplant surgery, tiny incisions with short hair would be visible in the patient's operated area.

8. The closing of the Hair Transplant Surgery:
The incision marks heal naturally and the redness in the recipient area vanishes itself within a week.

Delhi Hair Clinic, Haryana has successfully shown brilliant results in FUE technique for Hair transplant. This has majorly brought an increasing number of happy faces, who suffered from hair loss.